Now in its 36th year, Lancaster Litfest holds the annual literature festival hosting events that 'introduce, intrigue, challenge and entertain'. It's always brill.
This year I'm delighted to be taking part in an event with Claire Dean and Prof Martyn Amos for the new Comma Press anthology Beta Life: Stories from an A-Life Future. It has been an exciting project to contribute a story to and includes stories from a host of writers I admire hugely. Each one is developed and provided with an afterword from leading scientist consultants such as Prof Amos.
I will also be in the audience for as many Litfest events as possible. A while ago, a writer friend of mine put me onto Bernard MacLaverty's short fiction. He is a fantastic writer and so I am delighted that he is doing a reading at Litfest this year and also running a workshop. I've signed up for the workshop - hearing writers talk about their process is gold dust.
My other highlights - Jenn Ashworth who will be talking about her work - both short stories and novels and The Book Of Gaza event. The anthology, from Comma Press is a collection of short fiction from writers with personal knowledge and understanding of everyday life in Gaza; an incredible insight beyond the narrow images seen on the news. See here for a full listing of Litfest events.